What’s new for SharePoint – April 2024

This April brought some practical updates to SharePoint. Now, you can change the fonts on your SharePoint sites and Viva Connections to make them look just the way you want.

Microsoft also wrapped up support for Stream Classic and is now all in on Stream on SharePoint. They’ve added playlists to the SharePoint web part, making it easier to organize and share videos. Plus, Copilot is now part of Stream, which should make working with video content smarter and more efficient.

There’s more to check out with new features and plans for SharePoint, so take a look to stay in the loop.

What is new for SharePoint as a platform



Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365: Announcing Restricted SharePoint Search

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is introducing Restricted SharePoint Search, allowing organizations to disable organization-wide search and restrict both Enterprise Search and Copilot experiences to a curated set of SharePoint sites. This feature will be rolled out from early April 2024 to late June 2024. Restricted SharePoint Search is off by default, and admins will need Global/Tenant and SharePoint admin roles to enable it. No action is needed to prepare for this rollout. Users will still be able to interact with their own and previously accessed files and content in Copilot for Microsoft 365.

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Microsoft SharePoint Premium: Use Content query on document library columns

Microsoft SharePoint Premium users will be able to use content query on more document library column types starting from early April 2024. Users can query library columns by selecting the Content query icon in the search box. No admin action is required before the rollout.

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Microsoft Stream: Playlist support for Stream web part in Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft Stream will support playlist publishing on SharePoint Online pages using a new Stream web part. The rollout will begin in early April 2024 and users will have two options for embedding playlists on a SharePoint page. No admin action is required for the rollout.

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SharePoint: Planned release of AI insights

Microsoft is planning to provide an LLM-powered data analysis tools that admins can use to gain insights and actions.

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Copilot in Stream to become available for customers using Microsoft 365 Copilot

Copilot in Stream, a new feature for Microsoft 365 Copilot products, will be available in late-April 2024. It allows users to extract information from videos, summarize content, ask questions, locate discussions, and identify calls to action. Preparation may include updating training and documentation.

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Insider Risk Management – Improvements to “Deleting of SharePoint files/folders” indicators

Today “Deleting of SharePoint files” and “Deleting of SharePoint folders” indicators include permanent file or folder deletion event operations FileDeleted, FolderDeleted respectively. With this update, these indicators also capture files/folders moved to recycle bin which includes FileRecycled, FolderRecycled, so you will see more activities being captured by these indicators. Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage, and security violations. Insider Risk Management enables customers to create policies based on their own internal policies, governance, and organizational requirements. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.

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SharePoint: Change history reports

Create custom reports to monitor changes made to the SharePoint configuration across various levels of your organization. Review CSV reports of site actions or organization setting changes made within the last 180 days.

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Microsoft Teams: Meeting recordings are now saved in organizer’s Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft Teams meeting recordings will now be saved to the organizer’s OneDrive by default, with rollout dates varying from mid-May to late August 2024, depending on the service availability. Admins can use PowerShell policy ‘TeamsRecordingRollOutPolicy’ for special cases. No significant user impact is expected, but admins may need to update documentation.

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Microsoft Copilot (Microsoft 365): Browse OneDrive and SharePoint folders to find files to ground prompts in Copilot with Graph-grounded chat

Browse OneDrive and SharePoint folders to find files for grounding prompts in Copilot.

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Microsoft Viva: Manage spotlight settings in Viva Connections

Elevate your Connections experience with more control over what appears in the spotlight section. Operators will have the ability to pin items, including hyperlinks from any source, onto the spotlight section and select SharePoint sites as additional content sources to dynamically populate the spotlight section.

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Introducing custom fonts for SharePoint and Viva Connections Desktop preview

Microsoft Viva introduces custom fonts for SharePoint and Viva Connections Desktop, available in preview from mid-April to June 2024. The SharePoint brand center allows brand managers to upload and manage custom fonts, which can be applied across various elements within SharePoint and Viva Connections Desktop. Eight Microsoft-provided font packages are also available. Custom fonts are supported in multi-geo environments with specific configurations.

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SharePoint: Manage your organization’s brand in the new brand center preview

The new SharePoint Brand Center, rolling out from mid-April to June 2024, offers centralized management of brand assets across sites and pages. Global administrators need to activate the Brand Center app in the Microsoft 365 admin center, which requires Public CDN use. Steps vary based on current tenant configuration.

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Microsoft SharePoint Online and Microsoft Stream: New video page templates

New video page templates are coming to Microsoft SharePoint Online and Microsoft Stream, with a rollout starting in April 2024 for Targeted Release and June 2024 for General Availability. Users will be able to create video pages and news posts directly from the Stream web app. No admin action is required before the rollout.

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SharePoint: Updating all News Posts to “Made for Email”

Following the positive reception of the “Made for Email” News templates, we are rolling out a change that will make every news post you create “Made for Email” by default. Now, no matter how you create your new News Post, whether it is copying a previous post or using an existing template, you will have access to send that full distribution as an email. With this change, authors will still have access to our full webpart library by selecting “all” webparts in the webpart picker but are defaulted into having additional sending functionality.

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Microsoft Syntex: New autofill columns

Microsoft Syntex introduces autofill columns for SharePoint document libraries, enabling file content processing and response saving to columns. It will roll out worldwide from mid-May to early June 2024. Users can configure prompts for this feature, which requires Azure subscription and admin center setup.

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SharePoint Premium content AI Graph API in Beta (formerly known as Syntex)

We are releasing new Graph APIs for SharePoint Premium content AI capabilities in Beta (formerly known as Syntex models). You will be able to build applications using these new Graph API calls: get a Syntex model by its name, get a Syntex model by its ID, apply a Syntex model to document libraries, un-apply a Syntex model from document libraries, list all the applied document libraries of a Syntex model, create a document processing job, and get a document processing job.

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SharePoint Premium content AI Graph API in Beta (formerly known as Syntex)

Microsoft is releasing new Graph APIs for SharePoint Premium content AI capabilities in Beta (formerly known as Syntex models). You will be able to build applications using these new Graph API calls: get a Syntex model by its name, get a Syntex model by its ID, apply a Syntex model to document libraries, un-apply a Syntex model from document libraries, list all the applied document libraries of a Syntex model, create a document processing job, and get a document processing job.

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OneDrive: Sync admin reports – GCC

Microsoft is adding support for the OneDrive Sync admin reports for the GCC environment.

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Microsoft OneDrive: Annotate PDFs with text boxes

Microsoft OneDrive introduces a feature for annotating PDFs with text boxes, rolling out mid-May to early June 2024. Users can edit PDFs in OneDrive and SharePoint by opening the file and using the ‘Edit’ and ‘Add Text’ commands. No admin action is required for this update.

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Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Data Lifecycle Management – Enable associated SharePoint sites to be excluded from retention policies after deletion of Modern Group

If a modern M365 group is deleted, the associated SharePoint has a retention policy, a file with a retention label, or a legal hold, it remains active but orphaned. These sites cannot be excluded from the retention policy after the deletion of the group because of designed modern group scope. The site-level holds are applied when a group is added to a retention policy and the Tenant-level holds are applied when the complete modern group workload is added to a retention policy. Currently, to remove such a hold, the customer has to raise an escalation. With the rollout of this feature, users will be able to exclude the orphaned SPO site from both site-level holds and tenant-level holds as a self-service.

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SharePoint: Enhancements to the Text web part

New features coming to the Text web part include enhancements to styling/formatting, bullets/numbered lists, and tables.

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Microsoft Viva: Viva Connections now available on web

Viva Connections is now available directly on the browser. All the same functionalities that exist in Teams now also surface directly in the browser, providing a consistent experience with other Viva Modules.

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SharePoint: Pages – Author inline comments

Author inline comments enables users to collaborate, provide feedback, and track issues within a page or news post.

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Viva Pulse – Integration into Viva Connections Dashboard

Viva Connections will support Viva Pulse cards where admins can add Pulse cards to the Connections Dashboard. Users of the Connections Dashboard will get notified about Pulse surveys they send and receive, as well as Pulse reports shared with them. Users can also create a Pulse survey from the Connections Dashboard.

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Microsoft Syntex: configure specific sites to enable enhanced Microsoft Image Tagger

Microsoft Syntex will allow SharePoint Online admins to enable enhanced Microsoft Image Tagger on specific sites starting mid-April 2024 for Targeted Release and early May 2024 for General Availability. Admins can manage site access permissions and should update documentation accordingly.

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SharePoint: Image shapes

Microsoft is adding the capability to apply a shape over the image web part as well as on inline images in the text web part. Shapes include square, circle, triangle, hexagon, pebble, and teardrop.

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SharePoint: Flexible Layouts

New flexible layout sections allow authors to build pages without the strict column structure. Web parts can be dynamically resized and moved within the flexible section.

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SharePoint: Pages – Updated Hero web part with new layout & styles

The reimagined hero web part will feature a carousel layout and a selection of new styles, creating an eye-catching and engaging experience at the top of the page.

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I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.

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