How to add Google Analytics to the Modern SharePoint

Having an analytics tool monitoring your intranet is essential to understand the engagement of the users and how they are interacting with the content that is published.

Google Analytics is widely used in the internet, it provides a concise analysis with reports of everything that happens in your site as well as real time reports, mostly targeted for public sites it also works on SharePoint intranets.

Earlier this year I wrote an article that explains step by step how to add Google Analytics to SharePoint without modifying the master page, while that solution is still valid for classic SharePoint it doesn’t work on the modern sites and libraries.

SPFx Google Analytics


Asset Packaging and the goodies from SharePoint Framework 1.4

Asset packaging is an excellent feature for SPFx solutions, until now the manifest and script files had to be hosted in a CDN like Azure or Office 365 CDN. Handling the hosting was a problem to if you want to distribute or sell the solution, with the solution being recompiled to be used in different tenants.

With Asset Packaging the SPFx solution files are deployed to a central CDN without the need to manually specify the url in the solution source code.

The Asset Packaging was released along with the Site Collection App Catalog and both features combined provide the same type of functionality that was provided by the sand box solutions, with all the files included into one package and being able to be installed per site collection and not globally.

SPFx Asset Packaging


Column Formatting VS SPFx Field Customizer

If there is something that SharePoint cannot be accused of is to be a static platform, new features are released weekly and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the new functionalities.

With so many new features seem that some of them are doing the same thing as the Column Formatting and the SPFx Customizer.

Both features were released this year and both are used to format data in SharePoint lists and even though the result might be similar the purpose of each one is different.

Column Formatting


Build a breadcrumb using SPFx extensions

A few months ago, I’ve built a solution to add the breadcrumb navigation to all SharePoint sites and pages. While that solution still works fine on SharePoint 2013, 2016 and on the classic experience of SharePoint online it no longer works for the modern sites.

In the previous solution I used a script link to add the breadcrumb globally to the site collection, this functionality was disabled by Microsoft in the modern experience and it was replaced by the SPFx Extensions.


How to add Google Analytics to SharePoint without modifying the master page

Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service in the internet, it provides a concise analysis with reports of everything that happens in your site as well as real time reports, mostly targeted for public sites it also works on intranets.

Intranet portals are the central hub of companies; important information is communicated to employees through these portals and you need to make sure that everyone can access to it no matter the device or technologies used.

Analyzing your intranet portal will help you to understand how users interact with it, what are the most viewed sites and what sites do you need to improve.

Add JavaScript File


Can you still use sandbox solutions in 2017?

The answer to this question is yes, but… not for all situations and not all types of sandbox solutions.

SharePoint sandbox solutions were introduced with SharePoint 2010 and provided a mechanism to execute code outside of the ISS worker process. The sandbox solutions do not affect the entire farm; they are installed per site collection and they can be installed by the site collection administrator.

Every day I deal with SharePoint users that are extremely afraid of using sandbox solutions mainly because the message about this type of solutions being deprecated was not properly communicated by Microsoft.

sandbox solutions in 2017


Create a modern breadcrumb navigation on SharePoint

Breadcrumb navigation was available by default on SharePoint 2007 and 2010 but with the introduction of SharePoint 2013 it was removed and until today it wasn’t reintroduced.

Today I’m revisiting one my most read articles, back in 2013 I wrote an article to explain how this functionality can be added again to SharePoint and judging by the number of views this article still has there’s a lot of people trying to get the breadcrumb back.

The method from the previous article is still valid but it requires you to manually modify the master page, if you are not going to customize the layout of your site there’s no need to mess with it.

SharePoint Breadcrumb


How to solve the most common issues on SharePoint Designer

If you work with SharePoint at this point you’ve probably realized that SharePoint Designer is one of your best allies but still is a bit temperamental and sometimes it just refuses to work properly.

In this article, I’ll cover the most common issues and how to fix them.

Fix SPD issues


Remove Faulty Web Parts from page

If you are a SharePoint developer and the Web Part you are working on is causing so many errors that you can’t even edit the page this tip is for you.

Removing malfunction webparts is very easy all you have to do is access the Maintenance Web Part Page, in this article I’ll show you three different ways to open this page.

Remove SharePoint Web Part


Be prepared to the SharePoint framework

The SharePoint Framework was announced on 4th of May and it introduced a new model to develop SharePoint webparts that is radically different from its predecessors.

Over the years SharePoint development required a specific environment, with SandBox and Farm webparts is required at least one server with SharePoint and Visual Studio to develop and debug, with the App model introduced in 2013 the SharePoint server is no longer needed but it requires Visual Studio and a Developer site collection hosted on Office 365.

With the new framework you are absolutely free to choose your environment, the only requirement is a computer able to run the latest web technologies, you can even use Mac OS or a Linux distro.

SharePoint Framework


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.