How to Install SharePoint 2019 step by step on Hyper-V | Part 1 of 5

Installing SharePoint On-prem is not a straight forward task and there are a lot of requirements and dependencies involved in the process.

In this article you will find visual instructions to install it on a Hyper-V virtual machine; an installation like this should be used just for testing or development purposes.


How to add Google tag manager globally to SharePoint Online

A solution to add google tag manager has being requested a few times to me since I released the solutions to add Google Analytics to SharePoint.

In this article you will find a pre-built solution to add Google tag manager to modern SharePoint Online using an Application Customizer.


Get site collection URL after creating a Group using Microsoft Graph

When creating groups or teams using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell the SharePoint site collection URL can be randomly generated if a site collection with the name of the group already exists.

If you need to get the URL of the site collection right after the creation of the group, you can use Microsoft Graph to retrieve it.

This can be extremely helpfully for scenarios where you have the need to deploy artifacts to the site automatically, like applying a PnP Template.

Right after the group creation use do the request bellow using the group ID.


Hello Modern Workplace – Introducing HANDS ON Teams

Today I am introducing HANDS ON Teams to the world, a brand-new blog where I’ll write about Microsoft Teams and how it fits – and drives – all things related to the modern workplace.

I will be regularly sharing tips and tricks to make the most of this platform as well as ready-made solutions that will help you extend Teams and create new, engaging experiences for both end users and admins.

If you have been following me and HANDS ON SharePoint, don’t worry – it will not disappear, and I’ll actively maintain both blogs.

With the first post now publicly available, I invite you all to visit HANDS ON Teams.


Manage SharePoint using bookmarklets

Modern SharePoint is great and includes a lot of new functionalities that I love but at the same time it changed the location of some links that were one click away on classic SharePoint.

In this article I’m sharing some of the bookmarklets that I use daily to get things done faster and to save a few clicks.

A bookmarklet is nothing more than a bookmark that contains JavaScript, it adds functionality to the browser, such as modifying a web page.


Change modern SharePoint fav icon using Tenant Wide Deployment

I’m updating some of my old projects to take advantage of the latest functionalities of the SharePoint Framework and today I’m revisiting the solution that changes the favicon on modern SharePoint sites.

The previous solution was built using the framework 1.4.0 and allows you to change the favicon on individual site collections, the solution I’m providing today was updated to version 1.7.1 to take advantage of the tenant wide deployment functionalities.

This means that with a single deployment you will be changing the favicon globally on all your modern SharePoint sites.


Deploy Application Insights globally on modern SharePoint

On my last article I’ve provided a solution to deploy Application Insights to classic SharePoint without modifying the master page and on todays article I’m providing the same solution but for modern SharePoint using an Application Customizer and Tenant Wide Deployment.


How to add Application Insights to SharePoint without modifying the master page

Google analytics articles are among the most popular articles in this blog and inclusive they got featured on SharePoint Dev Weekly episodes.

On episode #27 Vesa and Waldek discussed the advantages and disadvantages of having internal and potentially confidential data sent from SharePoint to Google servers.

Google Analytics is not the only monitoring tool you can add to SharePoint, Microsoft has Application Insights that provides a similar functionality with the advantage of keeping your data in the same ecosystem.


Deploy Google Analytics globally on modern SharePoint

Google Analytics articles are very popular in this blog and there are a few already available here, here and here but there is still room for one more, as the SharePoint Framework evolves so does this solution.

Today’s article introduces an easy way to deploy Google Analytics globally to all modern sites in your tenant taking advantage of the Tenant Wide Deployment.


Convert Classic root sites to Modern SharePoint

Recently I’ve got a few requests to transform classic root team sites with publishing enabled into modern SharePoint sites.

The technic described in this article allows you to keep all your existent content, and at the same time allows you to take advantage of the out of the box responsive layouts and modern web parts.

Info: If you want to convert the root site of your tenant to modern have a look at this new article that explains how to use the site swap feature recently released by Microsoft.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.