Create a page layout with custom content areas

Page layouts are essential on SharePoint publishing sites, they enable the creation of content with specific editable fields.

There are predefined content areas that can be reused however sometimes they are not enough to build the perfect layout.

In this article I’ll explain you how to create a basic custom page layout with multiple Page Content areas also known as Rich HTML Field.

Page Layout Content Types


Activate SharePoint Search refiner count

SharePoint refiner web part has a great hidden feature that shows the count of search refiners, despite being included in the web part there is no graphical user interface to turn it on.

To get the refiners count you will need to manually modify the display template file used by the web part, following the instructions below.


Detect SharePoint environment type and page mode from an SPFx web part

Knowing the SharePoint environment and if the page is edit mode will allow you to provide tailored web parts to enhance the user experience of your SharePoint solutions.

The code provided in this article gives you the ability to detect if your SPFx web part is running in the modern or classic SharePoint environment and if the page is in edit mode.


Fix most common issues with SharePoint Import Spreadsheet functionality

Every once in a while, I stumble across SharePoint functionalities that are only available when using Internet Explorer, on this post I’ll explain you how to overcome two common issues when trying to import a spreadsheet into a SharePoint list.

If you are dealing with the error messages below this post is for you.

Save Site as Template - SharePoint


How to add Google Analytics to the Modern SharePoint

Having an analytics tool monitoring your intranet is essential to understand the engagement of the users and how they are interacting with the content that is published.

Google Analytics is widely used in the internet, it provides a concise analysis with reports of everything that happens in your site as well as real time reports, mostly targeted for public sites it also works on SharePoint intranets.

Earlier this year I wrote an article that explains step by step how to add Google Analytics to SharePoint without modifying the master page, while that solution is still valid for classic SharePoint it doesn’t work on the modern sites and libraries.

SPFx Google Analytics


Asset Packaging and the goodies from SharePoint Framework 1.4

Asset packaging is an excellent feature for SPFx solutions, until now the manifest and script files had to be hosted in a CDN like Azure or Office 365 CDN. Handling the hosting was a problem to if you want to distribute or sell the solution, with the solution being recompiled to be used in different tenants.

With Asset Packaging the SPFx solution files are deployed to a central CDN without the need to manually specify the url in the solution source code.

The Asset Packaging was released along with the Site Collection App Catalog and both features combined provide the same type of functionality that was provided by the sand box solutions, with all the files included into one package and being able to be installed per site collection and not globally.

SPFx Asset Packaging


Change the color of SharePoint modern experience automatically

SharePoint modern experience is available for Lists, Document Libraries and Pages and while it delivers new functionalities to the end users it lacks some of the customization options available in the classic SharePoint.

The modern experience is provided with a theme that is responsible to format the colors of the elements in the page. On modern site collections like group and communication sites there’s a native interface that allows the administrator to control the color theme, but on classic site collections things are a little bit different and the modern experience will receive a random color applied automatically.

SharePoint Color


Column Formatting VS SPFx Field Customizer

If there is something that SharePoint cannot be accused of is to be a static platform, new features are released weekly and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all the new functionalities.

With so many new features seem that some of them are doing the same thing as the Column Formatting and the SPFx Customizer.

Both features were released this year and both are used to format data in SharePoint lists and even though the result might be similar the purpose of each one is different.

Column Formatting


What’s new for SharePoint from ESPC 2017

The sixth edition of European SharePoint Conference occurred from 13 to 16 of November in Dublin, it was great to see all the European community together and to see how SharePoint team is developing new features based on the users feedback.

If you hadn’t the opportunity to attend the event in this article you will find a resume of the new features that will start being rolled out this month for administrators and developers.

ESPC Key note


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.