How to change a Team Site navigation from vertical to horizontal

Modern SharePoint Team sites always had a vertical navigation, and this was one of the major disadvantages when compared with Communication sites.

With a new navigation feature now released you will able to easily change the navigation from vertical to horizontal, making Team sites look like Communication sites.

Change navigation orientation in modern Team Sites


Hide the navigation and the header in modern SharePoint pages

Displaying a modern SharePoint page without the navigation and the header have generated all sort of hacks over the years that try to replicate the famous ?isDlg=1 and the focus mode from classic SharePoint by manipulating the DOM and injecting custom css.

I’ve recently discovered the query string that can be used with modern SharePoint site URLs to strip the pages from all its elements living it just with the content.

Focus on SharePoint content


Customize modern SharePoint menu with icons

Creating a well-structured and meaningful menu using just a few words per item can be difficult. Wouldn’t be awesome to customize the menu items with icons?

I’ve wrote about this topic in the past and I even did a solution to customize classic SharePoint with Fabric UI icons.

Since SharePoint has evolved and the methods used in the past are no longer valid, today I bring you a quick tip that will allow you to customize your modern SharePoint menus in just a few clicks.


How to brand the SharePoint mobile app

If you usually read this blog you might have seen a post or two about SharePoint branding methods and good practices.

With the evolution of the product Microsoft limited the branding options and have defined a set of rules and elements that you can customize to make sure you can still have your corporate identity without breaking the product.

With this in mind everyone using SharePoint Online can now extend the customizations to the mobile SharePoint app available for Android and iOS.


How to change the page layout on a modern SharePoint page

Modern SharePoint pages can be configured with three different page layouts but unfortunately, until now there is not an option in the UI to change them.

This article describes four different approaches that you can use to change the page layout and explains what you will get with each one.


How to create a Tile view on modern SharePoint lists

Modern SharePoint lists just received the option to include a Tile view to display data on a modern and good-looking layout.

The Tile view is available on document libraries for a long time but the one released for lists is a bit different. While on libraries the layout is pre built by Microsoft on the lists you will have to build your own using the list view formatting feature.

If you are new to the list View Formatting, I strongly recommend you start by reading the official documentation here and here to get familiar with the JSON schema.


How to easily deploy the list view formatting templates built by the community

List view templates are JSON structures that allow you to customize the views on SharePoint lists creating HTML components that represent each item.

The SharePoint community has been sharing a lot of this templates on GitHub but if you want to try them on your own environment you will need create the lists with the same exact column names, add data to the lists and then apply the JSON to format the view.

With more than 20 templates available this can easily take a few hours to build all the lists and add all the templates.


Create a Fabric UI card layout on modern SharePoint pages

I’ve spent most of my professional life building custom intranets using classic publishing sites with custom page layouts and one of the features that was often requested was the card effect around the web parts.

While this was very simple to implement with custom page layouts on classic SharePoint, on modern SharePoint things are a bit different and require a different approach that I’ll explain in this article.

The instructions on this article will provide you a card layout like what is available on the modern Admin Portal.


Change modern SharePoint fav icon using Tenant Wide Deployment

I’m updating some of my old projects to take advantage of the latest functionalities of the SharePoint Framework and today I’m revisiting the solution that changes the favicon on modern SharePoint sites.

The previous solution was built using the framework 1.4.0 and allows you to change the favicon on individual site collections, the solution I’m providing today was updated to version 1.7.1 to take advantage of the tenant wide deployment functionalities.

This means that with a single deployment you will be changing the favicon globally on all your modern SharePoint sites.


Convert Classic root sites to Modern SharePoint

Recently I’ve got a few requests to transform classic root team sites with publishing enabled into modern SharePoint sites.

The technic described in this article allows you to keep all your existent content, and at the same time allows you to take advantage of the out of the box responsive layouts and modern web parts.

Info: If you want to convert the root site of your tenant to modern have a look at this new article that explains how to use the site swap feature recently released by Microsoft.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.