How to disable Likes, Views and Save for later on modern SharePoint pages?

All modern SharePoint pages in Communications and Team Sites include a social bar at the bottom of the page. In this bar a user can like, view, and save the page for later and the component is located at the bottom of the page after all the content.

If you are looking to disable this feature for a particular site or even for the entire organization, let me tell you that there is no graphical user interface to do it, but thankfully it can be easily done using PnP PowerShell.

Disable social bar in modern SharePoint site pages


How to get an embed code for a Stream video hosted in SharePoint or OneDrive

With the new Microsoft Stream now as part of SharePoint and more integrated in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem is finally possible to easily get an embed code for a video.

The new embed option will work for all videos uploaded from SharePoint, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams and Yammer.

Embed Stream video code


How to hide SharePoint search box conditionally

SharePoint search box is in the suite bar at the top of every page and Microsoft allows site collection administrators to hide it using PowerShell. While this method is suitable for most scenarios it does not allow to hide the search box conditionally for certain pages or for all pages with the exception of Lists and Libraries.

In this blog post I’ll explain how to hide the search box using the official method provided by Microsoft and two workarounds to hide the search box conditionally so you can overcome the limitations of the out of the box settings.

Hide SharePoint Search box conditionally


Create beautiful SharePoint pages using the new section templates

Authors of SharePoint pages and news articles will be able to access to the new pre-built section templates when creating content, these sections were designed to simplify the use of image and text combinations.

Users will be able to choose and add templates at the section level instead of just at the page level, to get started there are six templates to make section design easier.

Create SharePoint pages using section templates


Remove the modern SharePoint app bar

The modern SharePoint app bar is a great new feature Microsoft introduced in modern SharePoint that finally brings a global navigation across all sites among other features like news, recent files or the creation of new documents or lists.

Despite the benefits of the new interface, you may find it confusing if your intranet is still running in a mix of classic and modern SharePoint sites as this feature is only available for modern.

Hide SharePoint App Bar


How to create a SharePoint organization news site

SharePoint organization news sites are the official source of information for news in your intranet. News posted in this type of sites are marked with a color tag so users can distinguish between an official news post and a news published in communication and team sites.

By default, when an administrator creates a home site out of communication site this gets defined automatically as an organization site, however each tenant can have up to 250 organization news sites.

SharePoint Organization news site


How to create a SharePoint home site using the browser

A SharePoint home site is the principal entry point to your intranet and despite being important it is not created by default when a new tenant is provisioned.

Up until recently PowerShell was required to create this type of site and in this article you will learn how to create it just using the browser.

Create a SharePoint home site


How to edit images using SharePoint and OneDrive

SharePoint document libraries and OneDrive now allow you edit images directly in the browser without the need to download them.

This feature is great to make simple modifications like crop images, adjust color and light, apply filters and write markup on top of the image.

Edit images using SharePoint


How to modify the SharePoint search default text

The modern SharePoint search experience is available at the top of all SharePoint sites and allow users to easily find content stored in the organization intranet.

If you would like to modify the default Search in SharePoint or Search this site texts, you will have to use PowerShell as this setting is not available through the interface.

Modify SharePoint search text


How to embed a Microsoft List form in a SharePoint page

If you are looking for a solution to increase the adoption of a new list in SharePoint or Microsoft Lists, getting it embedded in a new page might be a good approach.

By embedding the new item form in a SharePoint page, users will be able to add data to list without leaving the page context, making the process faster and less disruptive.

Embed Microsoft Lists form


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.