How to host static HTML sites on modern SharePoint site collections

SharePoint can be used as a web server to host sites in your organization that are not connected to SharePoint directly, however with the modern experience this is blocked by default.

In this article I’ll explain you how to bring back this awesome functionality to modern Communication and Team sites.

Host static sites modern SharePoint


Manage SharePoint site collections connected to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams uses SharePoint as the repository for all the files shared in the platform and this means that for each team and for each private channel you will end up with a new SharePoint site collection in your tenant.

If you are a SharePoint administrator this may drive you crazy, but with a recent update of the SharePoint admin center you will be able to easily identify site collections that belong to Microsoft Teams teams and channels.

Microsoft Teams site collections


How to change a Team Site navigation from vertical to horizontal

Modern SharePoint Team sites always had a vertical navigation, and this was one of the major disadvantages when compared with Communication sites.

With a new navigation feature now released you will able to easily change the navigation from vertical to horizontal, making Team sites look like Communication sites.

Change navigation orientation in modern Team Sites


HANDS ON tek – 10 years anniversary

January 10, 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of HANDS ON tek, a blog that I started back in 2012 to write about technology and became a central repository for solutions and articles about Microsoft 365.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m offering 10 copies of my books during the next 10 days, If you would like to get a copy of Hands-On Microsoft Lists or Hands-On Microsoft Teams continue to read the post and fill out the form.


How to track SharePoint usage with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the number one tracking tool in the internet and despite have not being designed to be used in intranets it works perfectly with SharePoint.

In this post you will learn how you can easily install Google Analytics on modern sites in SharePoint Online, this solution has support for the new Google Analytics 4.

Add Google Analytics V4 to SharePoint


Collabdays Lisbon 2021 – Learn the latest and greatest about SharePoint

Collabdays Lisbon is a non-profit, community-driven event dedicated to Microsoft technology schedule for November 13th, 2021!

Despite being organised from the sunny Portugal, this year it will be fully remote and by registering you have the chance to join from anywhere to learn the latest about Microsoft 365, Azure, Power Platform and Microsoft Viva from world class speakers and recognised MVPs.


How to create a Viva Connections dashboard

Viva connections aims to be your entry point for your SharePoint intranet directly from Microsoft Teams, giving you access to your personal information and internal communications.

Despite being available in Microsoft Teams, Viva Connections uses SharePoint as the main source for the content displayed and is not available as fully built application. As an administrator or content manager you will need to assembly it by yourself.

Viva Connections Dashboard


How to install SharePoint Subscription Edition step by step on Hyper-V | Part 5 of 5

The new version of SharePoint sever is already available and despite the new features and the new product life cycle, the installation is not a straightforward task and there are a lot of requirements and dependencies involved in the process.

In this article you will find visual instructions to install it on a Hyper-V virtual machine, keep in mind that an installation like this should be used just for testing or development purposes.

Install SharePoint Subscription Edition


How to install SharePoint Subscription Edition step by step on Hyper-V | Part 4 of 5

The new version of SharePoint sever is already available and despite the new features and the new product life cycle, the installation is not a straightforward task and there are a lot of requirements and dependencies involved in the process.

In this article you will find visual instructions to install it on a Hyper-V virtual machine, keep in mind that an installation like this should be used just for testing or development purposes.

Install SharePoint Subscription Edition


How to install SharePoint Subscription Edition step by step on Hyper-V | Part 3 of 5

The new version of SharePoint sever is already available and despite the new features and the new product life cycle, the installation is not a straightforward task and there are a lot of requirements and dependencies involved in the process.

In this article you will find visual instructions to install it on a Hyper-V virtual machine, keep in mind that an installation like this should be used just for testing or development purposes.

Install SharePoint Subscription Edition


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.