How to post a SharePoint news link programmatically

One of the main features of SharePoint these days is the possibility to create News that are easily available to everyone in the tenant.

News can be created directly on SharePoint manually or can be created as news links. News links create a new post on SharePoint pointing to an external resource like a newspaper or your third-party news service.

SharePoint news link


How to disable automatic news digest from SharePoint

SharePoint news digest are around for some time now, the process to trigger an internal newsletter with the SharePoint news until now was purely manual but that is about to change with the introduction of the automatic news digest.

The update to this feature was announced on Microsoft Ignite and starts now to arrive to the tenants worldwide, if you were not expecting it and your users are not yet prepared in this article you will find how to disable it globally in your tenant.

Deactivate SharePoint news digest


How to update SPFx Yeoman generator to the latest version

The evolution of SPFx is stunning and each version adds new features that make the life of all of us easier when we think about extending SharePoint or even Microsoft Teams.

If you have SPFx already installed and are thinking about to start a new project using the latest version of the framework first, you must check if the latest version of the generator is installed on your system.

The process to update SPFx is straightforward and only requires 3 simple steps as explained in this article.

Update SPFx generator


How to use SharePoint Spaces in school to create interactive classes

SharePoint Spaces is a mixed reality vision that brings 2D and 3D e experiences to your intranet creating new ways to interact with data or as explained in this article interactives classes for schools.

Based on the questions that I received about SharePoint Spaces I can tell that people is a bit skeptical about investing time in this new feature, either because of the 3D experience or because it’s still in preview.

There is nothing to worry about SharePoint Spaces, even though it is 3D it doesn’t mean that is mandatory to use VR glasses to interact with it and about the final version it will happen before the end of 2020 as announced in the last Microsoft Ignite.

SharePoint Spaces for education


How to display a full-width Power BI report in SharePoint

The integration of Power BI and SharePoint is straight forward, Microsoft provides an out of the box web part for SharePoint and all you have to do is grab the report URL from Power BI.

Even though the process is straight forward you may find the report to small due to the max page width on SharePoint. In this article you will find two different methods to embed a full-width Power BI report in your SharePoint pages.

Power BI reports on SharePoint


What’s new for SharePoint from Microsoft Ignite 2020

This year was like no other and due to the Pandemic Microsoft Ignite 2020 had to become an online event. Even though people were not together in New Orleans, new product announcements were made and a lot of them were about SharePoint.

This article has a short resume of the goodies announced for SharePoint that will soon start to arrive to your tenant, have a look and plan ahead to receive the next batch of awesome features.

Microsoft Ignite Badge


Collabdays Lisbon 2020 – Learn the latest and greatest about SharePoint

SharePoint Saturday Lisbon has been rebranded and it is now Collabdays Lisbon. Don’t worry, it is still organized by the same people and maintains the same spirit as in previous years.

Collabdays Lisbon is a non-profit, community-driven event dedicated all that is great about SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure. It will be a one-day free virtual event on October 10th, 2020.


How to effectively manage SharePoint news – Part 2

In the first Part of this article I’ve explained how to manage SharePoint news effectively using custom views, on Part 2 I’m bringing you a second approach to manage SharePoint news using what SharePoint provides out of the box.

With the method described in this article you will be able to create a managing news page using the Highlighted content web part and CAML query, a perfect solution to who don’t have access to the PnP PowerShell to create custom views.

create SharePoint news index


How to effectively manage SharePoint news – Part 1

Modern SharePoint gives you the possibility to easily create News using the same interface you use to create Pages, it even includes the possibility to link to an external News post from your SharePoint and is displayed in the SharePoint home page and SharePoint news web parts as regular SharePoint news.

The creation process is very easy and efficient however managing the news could become difficult after a while.

If you have difficulties to find the news page you need to edit or publish let me tell you that you are not alone, this post will help you get straight to the location where the news are stored.


What’s new for SharePoint Lists

July 2020 marks the release of Microsoft Lists, an evolution of the SharePoint lists that are included in SharePoint since forever.

As an evolution of SharePoint lists everything brought by the new Microsoft Lists is being reflected in SharePoint Online, and there are a handful of new features that will make your life so much easier.


I've been working with Microsoft Technologies over the last ten years, mainly focused on creating collaboration and productivity solutions that drive the adoption of Microsoft Modern Workplace.